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May is NF Awareness Month


NF has lived in the shadows for too long. Help make it visible. 

Neurofibromatosis (NF) Awareness Month is held each year in May to improve understanding of the signs and symptoms of NF, to share the stories of real people affected by the condition and to educate Australians on the diagnosis and treatment.

NF occurs in 1 of every 2,500 people, affecting more than 2.5 million people around the world. So why don’t more people know about it? 

Those with visible signs of NF struggle to be seen as more than just their NF, while patients whose NF is invisible struggle to make others understand. 

This May is all about sparking new conversations about NF. Why? Because understanding leads to more funding, better treatments and greater acceptance of genetic diversity.


Shine a Light on NF

Shine a Light is an initiative that brings NF out of the shadows and into the community as part of NF Awareness Month. 

2022 will be the second year that the Children's Tumour Foundation will be joining this global movement initiated by the Children's Tumor Foundation in the US.

By lighting up buildings, monuments and landmarks blue and green on and around May 17, we put NF in the spotlight and spark a national conversation about a condition that has been invisible for far too long.


Open Your Eyes To NF

For many, the process of applying make up can be time consuming, disheartening and distressing. For others with NF, leaving the house without applying some neutral coverage seems unthinkable - if only to help avoid unwanted attention or to hide physical differences. 

This May, we want to pack away the neutral colour palette and embrace what makes us feel fierce, fabulous and most importantly, visible. 

Boldly wearing blue and green eye shadow is to become the new frontier in fighting NF.


Go Blue and Green on May 17

Children with NF and other genetic conditions often feel isolated, misunderstood and alone. BUT, talking openly about NF can be the first step in building understanding and acceptance amongst peers.

Why not ask your school or preschool to go blue and green in May to help raise awareness or raise funds to support the Children's Tumour Foundation and spark conversations about NF in the classroom and playground. 

Now that we are starting to return to the office, why not run a morning tea or connect with us to host a "lunch and learn".


Leaders pledge to CONQUER NF

Obtaining a pledge from federal and state MP’s, as well as local mayors or city councillors is a wonderful way to raise awareness of NF and for them to "make their mark", particularly during an election year!

A pledge from an elected official is the first step in bringing NF out of the shadows and recognising the impact this condition can have on a person and their family throughout their life.  

A pledge has power, particularly when the request is made by the very person it affects most, so we are giving you to tools you need to spark a conversation that could help strengthen our advocacy efforts with government in the future.


Wear a Ribbon. Show Your Support. 

Blue and green are the two colours that represents NF around the world. You can show your support of people living with NF by wearing your NF ribbon on your chest! 

You can purchase exclusive Children's Tumour Foundation merchandise, including NF ribbons by visiting our online shop anytime or heading into your nearest Kids Stuff store in May. 

Bigger merchandise fundraising packs are also available to order for your school or work fundraising event. 


Share Your Story

Sharing your NF story can be an empowering experience. It may help you to cope with a diagnosis, remind yourself of challenges overcome and validate how you have been feeling. 

Through their telling, it also helps create a greater sense of community. It is important to feel like you are not alone and that your experiences may help others too.  

If you would like to share your story, we want to hear from you.  We are particularly interested in connecting stories to locations that will be lighting up around the country!


Downloadable Resources

Download useful assets like our facebook frame, social media graphics and zoom backgrounds from our DIGITAL TOOLKIT

Find useful information about Neurofibromatosis, the Children's Tumour Foundation and our impact from our RESOURCES PAGE


Make a Donation

Giving has never been simpler or more important.  

Conquering NF is about more than finding a cure. The NF journey from diagnosis through to treatment is challenging and most of what people will experience is unknown.

The Children's Tumour Foundation provide hope for everyone impacted by NF in Australia by advocating for change, advancing research and empowering this community with the knowledge, connections and support needed at every stage of their journey. 

 Every donation over $2 is tax deductible. 


Organise a Fundraising Event

You don’t need to wait for one of our awesome campaigns to fundraise – you can rally your friends, family and local community to be part of the movement any time of the year! But what better time than during NF Awareness Month? Looking for ideas? 

PLEDGE A CELEBRATION: Ask for donations instead of gifts for your birthday, wedding or other celebration.

HOST AN EVENT: Gather your friends, family or colleagues and host a fundraising event for the Children's Tumour Foundation. You could hold an office bake sale, a trivia night or even a raffle at your local sports or community club. You could even register to run a Bunnings BBQ to help Make NF Sizzle.

CHALLENGE YOURSELF: Run, walk, swim or ride to fund future NF research and critical support services. You can set up a fundraising page through the link above.


Start a Facebook Fundraiser

Fundraising has never been more convenient; you can now receive donations through Facebook!  There are three options you can try:

  1. Create a campaign fundraiser
  2. Post with a donate button
  3. Fundraising during Facebook Live


Thanks to our campaign partners

Thanks to our creative and content partners
