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Children's Tumour Foundation of Australia
raised of
$3,000 goal
Thanks to
44 supporters

I am joining the fight against Neurofibromatosis (NF) by fundraising in support of the Children's Tumour Foundation of Australia (CTF).

We are fighting for our son Samuel (Sammy) who was diagnosed with NF2.

NF is a genetic disorder that causes tumours to grow on nerves, including the brain and spine. It is progressive, unpredictable and currently there is no cure.

Every day, children and adults are forced to fight a foe they can sometimes neither see, hear or even feel. They face a lifetime of uncertainty and anxiety; forced to fight tumours that can cause blindness, deafness, bone abnormalities, disfigurement, learning difficulties and cancer.

They are borN Fighters and I am proud to be standing in their corner supporting them through their journey.

I have a goal to raise $3000 to support the Children's Tumour Foundation's investments into research, specialist hospital clinics and educational resources, as well as support programs that will lead to improved health and life outcomes - and eventually a cure.

I believe that tumours should never be a person's normal, so please help me reach my goal by making a tax-deductible donation today.

Thank you.

May is NF Awareness Month
Alicia is fundraising for

May is NF Awareness Month


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Sammy's Fight has 44 supporters
