- Commit to 30 burpees/pushups/situps for 30 days to represent the physical impact NF can have on sufferers
- Walk 10,000 steps a day to represent the 10,000 people in Australia living with NF
- Climb a mountain to represent the uphill battle NF families face in fighting for effective treatment options.
- Create a Facebook fundraiser for the CTF and share your NF journey publicly
- Commit to swim, cycle or even Kayak the distance travelled to and from appointments every year
- Attend a class at your local gym (respecting COVID restrictions) five days a week for a month AND invite others to join you.

There is no judgement about what quantifies as bravery to you, only the passion and courage you show in supporting our NF Heroes.
- Perhaps you have a fear of creepy crawlies or heights, fundraise and then at the end of the month, face your fear and be brave, like our NF heroes.
- Maybe you want to be brave and shave your head or beard to represent those with NF who have to undergo extensive chemotherapy treatments
- Got a fear of heights? Challenge yourself to take the plunge by skydiving or even bungee jumping!
- You could throw yourself into freezing water to fire up your nerve endings! People with NF experience nerve pain regularly.
- Get a tattoo to represent the fight to conquer NF or an NF hero
- Hold a spider, kiss a snake or cover your own head in cockroaches – it’s been done before, but doesn’t mean it can’t be done again... Are you up for the challenge?

We all have things we love or that are a part of our every day routine that we take for granted. Children and adults with NF require frequent specialist appointments that often require them to miss out on school, work or celebrations due to treatment.
- Give up sugar, alcohol, coffee or all of them! We don’t want to encourage people to skip work or school, so give up something you take for granted to represent the impact NF can have on every element of a person’s life.
- Give some of your blood and help save a life. Many people with NF require chemotherapy and blood transfusions. This way, you are a real hero and making an immediate difference.
- Give up certain foods for a day, week or month.
- Give up warm showers. NF is a neurological disorder that affects the nerves. A cold shower every day for a month could help improve awareness about NF.
- Give up TV or Netflix for 30 days. For most households, TV is a normal part of life and has become even more important since lockdown. By giving up an activity that you would normally do, every day, you can share the message that ‘tumours should never be a child’s normal’.

Fundraising does not have to be hard, nor should it feel like a burden. In fact, fundraising can be “fun” and may present a nice opportunity to get together with friends and family as well, whether that is in person or virtually. But, if you feel like it presents the only challenge you can handle right now, we have your back.
Here are our top 10 tips for fundraising to get you started!