For the past three years, we have worked in partnership with the Federal Government to connect, educate and help children and adults living with neurofibromatosis (NF), and their families, navigate care across Australia. This funding partnership enabled us to strengthen our programs, build capacity and reach more people than ever before.
We are pleased to announce the Federal Government will continue to support the Children’s Tumour Foundation.
We gained bi-partisan support and are encouraged by the new and strengthened relationships we have built over this period. We will continue to advocate and lobby government to help improve outcomes for every person living with all types of NF in Australia.
Thank you to everyone who wrote emails, letters and organised meetings with their local Federal and State Government representatives. This effort and united force brought greater focus and heightened awareness of NF and the role of the Children’s Tumour Foundation.
Our request to invest the remaining funding commitment of $2.4million in NF research grants in the Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) is still in motion and we will continue to advocate with government to progress research initiatives.
Minister Butler with our CEO Leanne on Wednesday 15 May, where she was able to thank him personally for his support from the Federal Government, as pictured.

Thank you again for your support and commitment to the Children’s Tumour Foundation.
If you have questions, you can contact us at info@ctf.org.au or by phone on 02 9713 6111 during business hours.