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This September, heroes are wanted to fight NF. So I am joining the NF Hero Challenge to support the Children's Tumour Foundation and families across Australia impacted by Neurofibromatosis (NF). NF is a genetic condition that causes tumours to grow on nerves throughout the body, including the brain and spine. It is progressive, unpredictable and there is no cure. But there is hope. I am proud to be supporting the 1 in 2,500 people in Australia affected by this condition and raising much needed funds to ensure those impacted can feel supported on their difficult journey ahead. I have a goal to raise $500 to support the Children's Tumour Foundation's investment into research, specialist clinics and vital support services. Conquering NF is more than just finding a cure. The NF journey from diagnosis through to treatment is challenging, and most of what families will experience is unknown. Many people come to the CTF at breaking point, seeking help to solve a specific problem or to feel connected to someone who understands their pain. Their sense of isolation and invisibility has only been compounded by COVID. Please help me reach my goal and complete my challenge by making a tax deductible donation. With our powers combined, I believe we can #conquerNF. Be a hero today!
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