It is safe to say that John has played a pivotal role in making the CTF what it is today. From a small organisation struggling to survive to one that now provides an extensive range of national services and supports specialised clinics in four major hospitals. John has always gone above and beyond for the NF community and with Robyn has personally co-funded with the Listorti family, an entire specialist NF clinic, the ‘Centre for Translational Research and Complex Care’ at Royal North Shore Hospital.
John’s wealth of knowledge and personal commitment enabled CTF to grow and provide a national service that assists some 10,000 Australians impacted by Neurofibromatosis each year. John’s inspiration came from his mum Shirley suffering with NF and it leading to her death. His work is as a legacy to her and all those others who suffer from and are impacted by NF.
His work has brought an entire community out of the shadows, creating an organisation that “celebrates difference” and “acceptance” whilst also providing critically important support services.
Thanks to John, the CTF has built a safe environment for the NF Community where they can build connections, increase wellbeing, and reduce the incidence of social isolation.
Robyn has worked closely alongside John and has also been a tremendous contributor to the organisation with countless hours of volunteering and providing shared services support. Together they have been the major benefactors to the organisation as well as being the key fundraisers.
Without John, wonderfully supported by Robyn, the CTF would not be where it is today, and we hope to continue to build on the legacy they have created and one day conquer NF.