Organise your own Medicare card
Once you turn 15, you can apply for your own Medicare card. This is a great first step towards taking control of your health. Head to Services Australia to find out how.
Link with your local transitioning service
Most paediatric hospitals will have a Transition Service. Once you turn 16, you are normally able to join up, so remember to ask about this next time you are at a routine check-up.
Start making your own appointments
Picking up the phone and speaking to someone you don’t know can be scary! But it’s something we all have to do, eventually.
Start going to your own appointments
You’ve made the appointment, now it’s time to go. Try going on your own. Ask your mum or dad to stay in the waiting room. They can always come in afterwards if you feel you need them! Make sure you ask questions! You’re taking control of your health, so you need to understand what’s going on. If you are not sure what something means – ASK!
Finding the ONE!
We’re talking about GPs of course! Finding the right GP can be hard. You may have been seeing the same GP since you were a child, but that doesn’t mean you have to be stuck with them. Finding a GP you are comfortable with, who has knowledge about your NF, is willing to listen and learn is SUPER important! Look around, do some research and talk to the NF community to find the ONE!
Keep track of changes
NF requires monitoring. And as you get older it’s up to you to monitor changes in your condition. You could use your phone or the CTF’s Health Management Kit to easily keep track of changes. Do what works for you!
Don’t stress the ’rents, keep them in the loop!
Your parents care, even if you don’t. Keep them updated. You don’t have to tell them everything but try and keep them in the loop about the important stuff.
Slide into our DMs!
We want to hear from you! Join our CTF Youth Group and learn about our monthly youth chats! This is a great way to meet others your age and form new connections. Or simply send us a message, we’re always here to talk!